Writer Victories

New blog. New post. New day.
Hi there. My name is Mike Morucci and I’m a screenwriter. That’s probably a bit redundant after seeing my vanity URL and homepage.
I’ve been writing for years. Initially, I wanted to get to Hollywood and try to break into television writing. But life happens and I’m still plugging away in Maryland.
And I’m happy.
I’ve learned while I pine for a slot in a writers room in Burbank, I can (and should) write while I’m here. And get involved in the local film community. And thrive, at least creatively.
Through the years, I’ve had some little victories. I’m going to share them with you to illustrate that not everything has to be about getting to LA. Or landing an agent. Or a manager. or getting that little blue check on Twitter, which I REALLY crave.
No, there’s a lot we can do while on our way, especially to keep writing.
I want to hear about your victories, too. Because they add up. And they sustain. And they help me, at least, in my constant search for validation. So if you have an idea for a guest post, hit me up via the Contact page.
Let’s do this!